首页 > 新闻动态 > 图文新闻 > 大芬美术馆:2018·首届深圳大芬国际油画双年展精彩继续





序一/Foreword I
Xu Li, Secretary of the Party Committee of the China Artists Association, Vice-President of the Standing Committee, Secretary-General
At present, with rapid economic development, how Chinese art can develop in a wider range, a more extensive field and in a higher level; and how it can breed fine works of art that can represent and lead the features and trends of times in the nourishment of the profound and splendid Chinese culture; it is a proposition that needs the collective efforts from all sectors of society. “Literature and art are the horns of progressiveness of the times, which can best represent the features of an era and lead the trends of an era.” Shenzhen Special Economic Zone is the frontier of the Reform and Opening-up. In the past 40 years of Reform and Opening-up, it has not only created a miracle of economic development, but it is also constantly creating a miracle of cultural development. The birth of Shenzhen “Dafen International Oil Painting Biennale” (hereinafter referred to as “Dafen Biennale”) is another great cultural event in which Shenzhen blows the horn of literary art and holds up the banner of reform and development.
The “Dafen Biennale” is currently the only international large-scale oil painting biennale jointly held by the China Artists Association and local government apart from the Beijing International Art Biennale. It fully embodies the trust and appreciation of the China Artists Association on Shenzhen, a city with the features of Reform and Opening-up. Shenzhen has a solid foundation for holding large-scale national art exhibitions. From 2012 to 2018, Dafen Oil Painting Village has successfully held six “National Youth and Middle-aged Oil Painting Exhibitions”, which has won great reputation in the arts circle, especially the exhibition held in 2016 at the National Art Museum of China winning widespread acclaim in the field. We believe that “Dafen Biennale”, a blooming art brand, will further promote and prosper the creative activities of Chinese oil painting, further enhance the international influence of Chinese oil painting, and play a unique role in the cause of art exchange between China and foreign countries.
The first “Dafen Biennale” will highlight the characteristics of internationality and diversity in the breadth of art, and concentrate on the exploration of academic and artistic spirit in the depth of art. China emphasizes that culture does not have high or low, good or bad, and it emphasizes “symbiosis and common prosperity”, “harmonious coexistence” and “complete integration”. Under the collective efforts of China Artists Association, Publicity Department of Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, Shenzhen Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and Shenzhen Longgang District; the solicit contributions of the Organizing Committee has gone well, receiving a large number of works with high quality from various countries. The Organizing Committee decided that the theme of the first Dafen International Biennale to be “Opening-up and Integration”, and has received oil painting contributions of 2651 artists from 65 countries and regions. It is currently an international biennale participated by most countries in China. This is a good opportunity to open up a wider range of possibilities for human spiritual creation with the richness, complexity and variability of artistic experience under the diverse, open and ever-changing international cultural context.
These works in this exhibition are of various themes and rich contents, some for the understanding and reappearances of life, some for reflections and judgments on social history, some for praises and respects for natural landscapes, and some for songs and praises for the power of life, all of which are the expressions of the broad dimensions of the exhibition theme. The specific performance of these works can reflect positive attitude that oil paintings always pay attention to the current world and reality. In the pattern of manifestation, there are not only oil painting art languages such as realism, performance, decoration, abstraction, and realism, but also the reference of Chinese freehand brushwork, as well as the innovative application of new materials and new media, which fully reflects the exploration and innovation spirit of contemporary artists.
We hope that the “Dafen Biennale” will further play a role of Shenzhen as a window and bridge adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao and docking overseas frontiers. And it shall lead artists to explore and keep attracting foreign and domestic outstanding artists from a broad perspective, to exchange and blend with international culture and world art and to absorb outstanding foreign artistic concepts and expressions while maintaining local characteristics. Therefore, it adds artistic fascination to young and vibrant Shenzhen, and further promotes the continuous prosperity of Chinese art.
序二/Foreword II
中共深圳市委常委、宣传部长  李小甘
Li Xiaogan, Member of the Standing Committee and Minister of the Publicity Department of the CPC Shenzhen Municipal Committee
Coloured ribbon is dancing in the air, and new era has come. Standing at a new historical peak, Chinese arts of all stripes are taking an unprecedented path towards new heights. A bright future awaits Shenzhen's growing art industry. As a window to China's Reform and Opening-up, and in its magnificent 40-year development journey, Shenzhen stands as a great narrator of the “China story” and as the portrait of China.
Rooted in the fertile soil of Chinese aesthetic spirit, the world is seeing a growing and vibrant artistic scene. Shenzhen extracts the spirit of Chinese art and merges it with Western substance to mold a brand new body of art, and displays the unique vigor and vitality. Dafen Oil Painting Village in Longgang District, Shenzhen, driven by the unremitting efforts of China’s Reform and Opening-up, the Belt and Road Initiative and the establishment of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, has brought about the upgrading of distinctive culture and broaden its scope for international development. Against this backdrop came into being the permanent art exhibits of the “Dafen International Oil Painting Biennale, Shenzhen”. Furthermore, this event was cited in the "Shenzhen Cultural Innovative Development 2020 Plan" and became an urban cultural brand of expanding international influence.
As a saying goes in Dragon-Carving and the Literary Mind: "Now if things which are devoid of consciousness express themselves so extremely decoratively, can that which is endowed with mind lack a pattern proper to itself?" Whether it is elegant wash painting or flamboyant ink painting, whether it depicts the subject of life, scenery or city, modern times see a strong preference for innovative development in the integration of China and Western cultures that draw inspiration from Nature and nourish the soul. As one of the first national cultural industry demonstration base, a representative base of Guangdong's fine art clusters, and one of the “Guangdong Top 10 Characteristic Cultural Streets”, Dafen Oil Painting Village actively seeks development paths for diverse and pluralistic culture. On the one hand, while absorbing new knowledge in the Chinese and Western art society, it fosters socialist core values; on the other hand, through the prosperity of art, it enhances Shenzhen’s cultural soft power.
We hope that the establishment and development of the "Dafen International Oil Painting Biennale, Shenzhen " will grow the ranks of the artistic scene with outstanding talents, thereby benefiting China and Shenzhen. We also are looking forward to the creation of many exceptional artworks to improve the city’s cultural touch, in order to promote Shenzhen to be a global regional cultural center and the pioneer of international cultural innovation and creativity. This event will also play an active role in promoting Chinese oil painting to facilitate its entree into the world, and paint the canvas of a new era!
部分作品 / Part of works :
中国 / China
《藏地江南——尼洋河》/ 史万杰
175cm×175cm / 综合材料
《Tibetan in Regions South of the Yangtze River - Nyang River 》
Shi Wanjie / 175cm×175cm / Mixed media
塞浦路斯 / Cyprus
《蝴蝶》/ 瓦索·图普 / 100cmx100cm / 布面油画 
《Butterfly Project》/ Vaso Thoupou
100cmx100cm / Oil on canvas
中国 / China
《红日》/ 蔡炜荣 / 120cmx120cm / 布面油画
《Red Sun》/ Cai Weirong
120cmx120cm / Oil on canvas
新西兰 / New Zealand
《海、陆地、森林、新西兰》/ 罗杰·汤普森
123cmx139cm / 综合材料
《Sea - Land - Forest - New Zealand》
Roger Thompson / 123cmx139cm / Mixed media
中国 / China
《独行者》/ 郝雪鹏 / 110cmx170cm / 综合材料
《Lone Wanderer》/ Hao Xuepeng
110cmx170cm / Mixed media
俄罗斯 / Russia
《双肖像》/ 伊戈尔·巴诺夫 / 180cmx140cm / 布面油画
《Double Portraits》/ Igor Panov
180cmx140cm / Oil on canvas
中国 / China
《贤士路口》/ 韦宇朋 / 100cmx180cm / 布面油画
《Crossing of Xianshi Road》/ Wei Yupeng
100cmx180cm / Oil on canvas
埃及 / Egypt
《无题1-6》/ 穆罕默德·埃尔马斯里
130cmx110cmx6 / 布面油画 
《Untitled 1-6》/ Mohamed Elmasry
130cmx110cmx6 / Oil on canvas
中国 / China
《惊蛰》/ 陈玉金 / 96cm×160cm / 布面油画
《Insects Awaken》/ Chen Yujin
96cm×160cm / Oil on canvas
波兰 / Poland
《记忆里的地方—马德里》/ 巴尔托斯·费雷泽克
200cmx150cm / 布面油画
《Remembered places - Madrid》
Bartosz Fraczek / 200cmx150cm / Oil on canvas
中国 / China
《古镇余晖》/ 姚风 / 120cm×160cm / 布面油画
《Afterglow of Ancient Town》/  Yao Feng
120cm×160cm / Oil on canvas
白俄罗斯 / Belarus
《春天的普里皮亚傍晚》/ 瓦莱里·西多尔金
69cmx130cm / 布面油画
《Spring Evening.Pripyat》/ Valery Sidorkin
69cmx130cm / Oil on canvas
中国 / China
《山水田园——大嘴鸟》/ 张娇娟
153cm×200cm / 综合材料
《Countryside Landscape - Toucan》
Zhang Jiaojuan / 153cm×200cm / Mixed media 
 法国 / France
《密林天堂》/ 米丽娅姆·罗梅·罗勒罗伊
80cmx110cm / 布面油画
《Wooded Paradise》/ Myriam Romero Leroy
80cmx110cm / Oil on canvas
中国 / China
《大山的新生活》/ 尚波 / 200cm×220cm / 布面油画
《New Life on Mountains》/ Shang Bo
200cm×220cm / Oil on canvas
菲律宾 / The Philippines
《在纽约的街道上》/ 克里斯蒂娜·唐尼古奇
210cmx210cm / 布面油画
《In the Street of New York》/ Cristina Taniguchi
210cmx210cm / Oil on canvas
中国 / China
《与间之间》/ 张海龙 / 75cm×195cm / 布面油画
《Between the Middle》/ Zhang Hailong
75cm×195cm / Oil on canvas
克罗地亚 / Croatia
《多重集合的主板》/ 尼奥·卡德勒
73cmx100cm / 布面油画
《Motherboard of Multiple Integration》
 Leo Kadele / 73cmx100cm / Oil on canvas
中国 / China
《空间物语——麦田》/ 池颖红
130cm×195cm / 布面油画
《Story of Space-Cornfield》/ Chi Yinghong
130cm×195cm / Oil on canvas 
印度尼西亚 / Indonesia
    《意味旅程•2》/ 苏哈曼托 / 180cm×180cm / 布面油画 
《Meaning the Journey • 2》/ Suharmanto
180cm×180cm / Oil on canvas
中国 / China
《物质世界与占星术(一)》/ 石头
85cm×160cm / 综合材料
《 Material World and Astrology • 1 》/ Shi Tou
85cm×160cm / Mixed media
毛里求斯 / Mauritius
《传统克里奥舞蹈》/ 赛德·阿尼夫·霍桑尼
145cmx200cm / 布面油画
《Traditional Sega Dance》/ Said Aniff Hossanee 
145cmx200cm / Oil on canvas
中国 / China
《变迁》/ 史飞 / 180cmx180cm / 布面油画
《Change》/ Shi Fei / 180cm×180cm / Oil on canvas 
美国 / The USA
《看见了》/ 梁伟 / 120cm×150cm / 布面油画
《I See It》/ Liang Wei / 120cm×150cm / Oil on canvas
中国 / China
《思绪》/ 杨艳 / 90cm×180cm / 布面油画
《Thoughts》/ Yang Yan / 90cm×180cm / Oil on canvas
委内瑞拉 / Venezuela
《乌拉那独木舟》/ 佩德罗·莱昂
 110cmx208cm / 综合材料
《Canoe "Wuaraina"》/ Pedro Leon
110cmx208cm / Mixed mediax
中国 / China
《锡尼草原》/ 易晶 / 145cm×180cm / 布面油画   
《Xini Prairie》/ Yi Jing
145cm×180cm / Oil on canvas   
越南 / Vietnam
《金鱼的梦》/ 谭兰松 / 200cmx150cm / 布面油画
《Dream of Goldfish》/ Dam Lan Tung
200cmx150cm / Oil on canvas
中国 / China
《春》/ 黄志洋 / 160cmx180cm / 布面油画
《Spring》/ Huang Zhiyang
160cmx180cm / Oil on canvas
伊朗 / ‬‎Iran
《无题》/ 尼罗法·默罕默迪 / 173cm×158cm / 布面油画
《Untitled》/ Niloofar Mohamadi
173cm×158cm / Oil on canvas
中国 / China
《游于艺之南来北往》/ 林洋 / 120cm×160cm / 布面油画
《Comes and Goes - Travelling for Art》/ Lin Yang
120cm×160cm / Oil on canvas
匈牙利 / Hungary
《友谊》/ 西蒙·索尔特 / 140cmx130cm / 综合材料
《Companionship》/ Simon Zsolt
140cmx130cm / Mixed media
中国 / China
《深圳的昨天与今天的深圳》/ 杨达明
114cm×162cm / 布面油画
《Yesterday and Today’s Shenzhen》/ Yang Daming
114cm×162cm / Oil on canvas
意大利 / Italy
《跨越国界之舞》/ 托尼诺·毛里奇
140cmx205cm / 布面油画
《Dancing Across Borders》/ Tonino Maurizi
140cmx205cm / Oil on canvas
中国 / China
《相聚》/ 余命高 / 90cm×70cm / 布面油画
《Getting Together》/ Yu Minggao
 90cm×70cm /  Oil on canvas 
英国 /  The UK
《社会融合、和平与开放》/ 菲奥娜·斯坦伯里
100cmx140cm / 综合材料
《Social Integration, Peace and Opening-up》
Fiona Stanbury / 100cmx140cm / Mixed media 
中国 / China
《雪后静谧的渔港》/ 刘传珂 / 100cmx150cm / 布面油画
《The Quiet Fishing Port after Snowing》
Liu Chuanke / 100cmx150cm / Oil on canvas
以色列 / Israel
   《桥梁》/ 黛比·坎普尔 / 100cm×110cm / 布面油画    
《Bridges》/ Debbie Kampel
100cm×110cm / Oil on canvas
中国台湾 / Taiwan, China
《和沐》/ 邵文凤 / 162cm×130cm / 布面油画    
《Bathing》/ Shao Wenfeng
162cm×130cm / Oil on canvas
新加坡 / Singapore
《博弈之路》/ 于丹亚 / 120cmx100cm / 布面油画
 《Game - Way》/ Yu Dan Ya
120cmx100cm / Oil on canvas